Climate Change

Seattle visibility and air quality over the course of one week due to fires.

It’s real. It’s here. And it should scare you. If you’re living under a rock, then it might be news to you that the West Coast has some of THE WORST AIR QUALITY IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. If you don’t have to go outside – don’t. If you must venture outside….wear an N95 mask or any mask for that matter. Something is better than nothing.

It has been incredibly difficult to stay inside all day for the most part. I can’t go on a walk during lunch and get a change of scenery. I can’t pull weeds or mow my lawn (which I desperately need to do). I can’t open the window in my bathroom to allow for air circulation when I shower or go #2 💩 (sorry, TMI). I don’t think I will ever take a big gulp of fresh air for granted ever again.

My husband and I are getting out of town in a few weeks and I cannot freaking wait. I’m looking forward to being in a different state and truly feeling like I am getting away. Staycations are nice, but they’re not entirely relaxing. What is even better about where we are going is they have cleaner air. Much cleaner than Seattle at this point.

And that’s going to be the best feeling ever.

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